How to Stay Motivated for Fitness: The Science of Sticking to Your Workout Routine

Photo by Hayley Kim Design on Unsplash
Staying motivated for fitness is a challenge that many of us face. Despite our best intentions, it’s easy to fall off the workout wagon. However, understanding the science behind motivation can help us stick to our workout routines and achieve our fitness goals. Here’s how:
1. Understand the Role of Personality in Fitness Motivation
According to a study titled “A word of advice: how to tailor motivational text messages based on behavior change theory to personality and gender” 1, personality traits play a significant role in how we respond to motivational messages related to fitness. For example, individuals who score high on the trait of Agreeableness (associated with being cooperative, compliant, and trusting) were found to be more motivated by certain types of messages. Understanding your personality traits can help you find the right motivational strategies that work for you.
2. Use Tailored Motivational Messages
The same study found that tailored motivational messages can significantly impact how motivated we feel about our fitness routines. These messages can be based on our personality traits and gender. For example, messages that focus on the benefits of exercise were found to be more motivating for individuals who score high on the trait of Openness. Similarly, messages that focus on scheduling workouts were found to be more motivating for individuals who score high on the trait of Conscientiousness.
3. Consider the Impact of Gender
Gender also plays a role in how we respond to motivational messages. The study found that certain types of messages were more motivating for males than females. For example, messages related to the experiential processes of change in behavior (like recognizing the benefits of exercise or understanding the risks of not exercising) were more motivating for males. Understanding these differences can help in tailoring the right motivational strategies.
4. Keep the Long-Term Perspective
Staying motivated for fitness is not about finding a quick fix. It’s about understanding that behavior change is a long-term process. It’s not enough to focus on the highest-rated motivational strategy. Instead, a combination of strategies that are rated highly for your specific personality traits and gender can be more effective. This approach can help avoid repetition and keep the motivation high over longer periods.
5. Avoid Strategies That Don’t Work for You
Not all motivational strategies will work for everyone. It’s important to identify which strategies are not appreciated or effective for you. This can help increase the likelihood of sticking to your workout routine over the long term.
Staying motivated for fitness is a personal journey. It’s about understanding your personality traits, gender, and what motivates you. By applying the science of motivation, you can find effective strategies to stick to your workout routine and achieve your fitness goals.